The Art Of Acting As Human Furniture In A BDSM Relationship

posted in: Femdom, General | 2

Forniphilia is the rather clever way of saying it, but the act of being used as human furniture is often regarded as a deeply satisfactory form of submission.

It is the simple act of becoming an inanimate object for their dominant partner.

Any form of BDSM has a variety of attractive traits to any behavior dynamic and for those that enjoy being used for the purpose of being furniture, there is a simplicity associated with it.

It can be a deeply submissive position to take, but let’s look into the nature of the activity.

a submissive acting as a chair

Why Are Submissives Attracted To Being Human Furniture

While everyone has their own personal reasons for being content to be used for an inanimate purpose, there are often some core reasons

  • Depersonalisation
  • Relaxation and mental release
  • In the moment escapism and focus
  • Pleasure in feeling owned, used, or being of service

The focus on the moment is duty based and so the submissive can get great satisfaction from pleasing their dominant in such a simple manner.

In serving as furniture there is a focus that cannot be moved away from. There is no ambiguity or thought needed.

Much like any form of submission the feeling of helplessness coupled with a simple requirement or function allows the submissive to focus on an obedient task delivery that is uncomplicated to perform.

There is no need to analyze, think, or predict anything, the submissive is just there for function.

This, in turn, provides relief from pressure in a great many situations.

There’s a component to acting as human furniture that is very physical, which might be a representation of how a submissive sees their place with respect to the dominant.

a submissive acting as a laptop stand

Ways A Submissive Can Act As Human Furniture

So, now that we’ve discussed the mentality behind the desire, what are some practical ways a submissive can act out the desire.


While the submissive can become a chair themselves there’s also the possibility that the dominant can sit on the submissive already in a chair, which is less physically demanding.

The submissive can then act as arm rests.

In general, though it’s the submissive taking a position so that a dominant can use them for support when sitting down.


The submissive would normally be on ‘all fours’ so that the dominant can either sit on them, with backrest support, or place small objects on the back for convenience.

Foot Stool

This position is similar to a bench, but the submissive doesn’t have to be on ‘all fours’.

They can crunch up into a ball, although the purpose is to provide a foot rest for the dominant already sitting in a chair.

You can even put a tray with drinks or snacks on.

some examples of forniphilia

Side Table

When the submissive becomes a side table, the position is normally kneeling and holding whatever the dominant wants them to hold, usually a drink.

It has to be within easy arm’s reach so the dominant can always take what they want from the human side table.

Whatever you might want to place on a side table, then have your submissive hold it, or be placed upon them.

Dining table

It’s very similar to a bench, but typically a tray might be placed upon them for the purposes of positioning a plate of food, snacks, or drinks – or a combination.

The submissive would be required to be very stable and still to facilitate the eating food and dining.


The dominant might want to sit down and require a small desk to place upon the human furniture a laptop or tablet for a little work or social media browsing.


Typically the submissive would lie on the floor and allow the dominant to wipe their feet or shoes on clothing

Coat Rack

The submissive acting as a coat rack would allow a coat to be thrown over them, even the head, but could extend arms also and allow a coat to be draped over the forearms.

Hand Towel

The submissive wears a particular type of clothing, or even has to make one, but their top becomes somewhere that the dominant can clean or dry their hands.

Or, while taking a bath, the submissive can have draped over them, the towel that the dominant will use to dry themselves.


For the submissive smoker they can literally have ash tapped out on them, or can hold the ashtray within simple reach while the dominant smokes.

a submissive acting as a laptop stand

Maximising Human Furniture Play

While undergoing play as human furniture the submissive will normally be in a deeply submissive state.

How long the furniture is required would normally fall under the purview of the dominant.

However, there exists the possibility to enhance the experience somewhat, depending upon the needs of the submissive.

The dominant can add elements of either a sensory nature or play upon acts of humiliation.

Furniture has a purpose and a dominant can add to the submissive either hot or cold objects, or perhaps a smell might be appropriate.

Acting as a side table the submissive might engage more with the activity if a hot cup of coffee is placed upon them.

Or if the submissive has become a coat rack then a dirty, smelly or wet coat can become more engaging, after all, you do hang up wet gear to dry.

There’s plenty for the imagination out there, from spitting out food on your human table to becoming a naked lampshade holder.

Light humiliation can often work well as it emphasises the fact that your submissive is more of an object to the dominant when required.

The dominant could also wipe their hands dry or clean on the submissive’s clothes, after all, they are just an object.

Instructing The Submissive To Become Human Furniture

The simplest way for the dominant to convey their wishes is just to preface the type of furniture with the word ‘become’ or some other pre agreed word.

When the dominant wishes for a human bench, they can issue a ‘become a bench in the bathroom’ or by the flowerbed, or wherever.

The dominant may also wish to add naked into the mix for extra play.


Forniphilia is a pure and simple escape from other thoughts and takes the submissive into place where deep satisfaction can be found.

It’s not for everyone, but those submissive’s who do enjoy it, can be in the moment, without any other responsibilities.

There’s a lot of creativity and personal preference that can be had with the play.

The dominant may prefer a certain style of chair, or the submissive might be more comfortable in certain positions.

It’s something to look into if the thought takes you.

You can easily create your own ideas as well, from artwork, lampshades, bedside table, or toilet paper dispenser holder.

2 Responses

  1. ufemdom

    Its mostly the humiliation part of human furniture that makes me excited. But like so many other things in femdom, everything about it is sexy.

    Great content. Thanks for posting

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