Is A Gentle Femdom Relationship Fun?

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This is a question that doesn’t get asked nearly enough.

Both the female dominant and the male submissive enter into these relationships with some goals in mind. It’s typical that the submissive rather enjoys the absolution from authority and decision making, while the female gets to enjoy the reverse.

But there’s an element to it that should be prominent that is beyond the functional and practical.

So, is participating in a gentle femdom relationship fun?

Yes, whether you are the dominant female or the submissive male in a gentle femdom relationship it should and will be fun. Both partners should enjoy the power disparity and help fulfill each other’s needs.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy, nor indeed, always fun. There will be many testing experiences for the couple, but over the long term, both partners should always be glad they participated.

a mistress stands tall over her submissive

Fun For Whom?

There’s a little bit of a misconception out there that the female enjoys the fun but the submissive males sort of ‘endure’ the relationship, but this is incorrect.

BOTH partners should consider the dynamic to be fun.

For the most part, they do.

A gentle femdom relationship is still a relationship. Most will not last if the power disparity causes unequal fairness.

The secret is that the submissive male does get something from the power dynamic.

Mostly it’s relief from expected authority and the freedom from making decisions. That’s a large part of the psychological benefit for the male. He will actively participate so as to be free from responsibility.

He will in all probability enjoy the kink and female sexual power as well as some humiliation at the hands of the female dominant, who enjoys the reverse, the exercising of consensual power exchanges to provoke, prod, and tease her submissive.

As well as getting a more compliant male.

a femdom mistress enjoying a bath

Why A Femdom Relationship Can Be Fun?

it’s not all chores, chores, chores.

Changing the power dynamic alters the way the relationship functions, the beauty of it being that the result is wanted by both partners.

A gentle femdom relationship adds an element of spontaneity and kink that often gives that X factor. It may not be for everyone, but femdom relationships are growing in popularity and are now commonplace.

For the female dominant having a willing and obedient partner adds that unknown and exciting factor as the power to order, tease, and control their partner in many areas can be deeply satisfying.

The reverse is true for the male, who in the absence of his own authority gets a fun dynamic as he is absolved of thoughtful input unless requested. In many areas he simply obeys, does what he is told, and gets’s a funny kind of thrill from being ordered about.

Willingly entering into light humiliation and kink often is a stress reliever over the long term.

Having this done by someone you trust the most, the female partner only enhances the experience and provides better intimacy in most cases.

a mistress being handed a glass of wine


Every gentle femdom relationship will be different.

From the goals, through the practice, to the overall experience, no two relationships will likely be the same.

If the dominant female likes the idea, and the submissive male enjoys the absence of his own authority, for whatever reason, then there’s no reason why the format can’t lead to either participant enjoying the whole experience.

And that’s rather the point.

Fun, after all, should be the main driving force behind the relationship dynamic. The female dominant should enjoy her position of authority at the same time, and not to the exclusion of, the submissive male enjoying his lack of authority.

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