The idea of submissives acting as furniture is pure escapism.
It’s also great for new and burgeoning explorations into female domination for both the male and the female.
It’s simple, easy to perform, requires no experience or equipment, and comes with a healthy dose of power play and submission.
A submissive in the state of acting as a piece of furniture should not be engaged with, talked to, or listened to.
Furniture doesn’t talk…. it just serves a simple inanimate purpose.
Its simplicity is the reason for its attractiveness to many engaging in the practice.
Table of Contents
Human Furniture Play Is Great For Newbie Dommes
Many forms of femdom can come with reluctance if either party is new.
With human furniture play, a mistress can easily get into the scene and engage with the submissive with little experience.
The rules are fairly simple.
The mistress can use the submissive to become an inanimate object for functional use whenever she pleases within the dynamic.
The power dynamic of the relationship is obvious with human furniture play.
What is more submissive than whenever their domme pleases can make you become an object for use. It requires no interpretation, just compliance.
And therein lies the attraction.
With effortless instruction, the submissive adopts a pose required by his dominant, a situation that plays well into the dynamic and isn’t hard to pick up.
Whilst the human body can contort to shapes to provide useable furniture, like a table or desk, is it is also possible to tie the submissive to a normal piece of furniture and use the product like that.
Ideas For Human Furniture
The point of furniture, in general, is to perform a function. Whether it’s a table, a coat rack, or a chair, the furniture performs a simple function for the owner.
The same should be true of human furniture within a femdom dynamic.
While there are no rules, I would submit that the play works better the mistress has a genuine need for the human furniture, not as a punishment, or a humiliation tactic.
I believe it feeds better into the power play between the mistress and her submissive.
A submissive shouldn’t be made to be a table in his room, and then never used as a table, but rather the instruction is better given when there is a genuine need by the mistress for a table.
So, here are a few ideas when a mistress may require the use of human furniture.

When a submissive becomes a chair with whatever pose is preferred by the mistress there is both contact and personal involvement.
While other forms of human furniture can be inactive on part of the mistress, the submissive becoming a chair probably means it will be used as such.
The mistress might consider areas where a chair isn’t normally present to issue the order.
Areas in the house without a chair, conservatories, outside, etc are good places to use this option.
Perhaps test how long your submissive can remain in the pose while they are being used in order to gain insight into when you can use the human chair.
A simple bench is still a sitting device but perhaps for more of a transitory nature.
Whilst a mistress might want or need to spend time in a chair, a bench is often used for a quick rest, or the need to be seated temporarily.
A bench is good for human furniture when the mistress requires temporary sitting down, like tying a shoe strap, a quick smoke break, or doing her hair in front of a mirror.
Or even if the mistress wishes to reach a cupboard higher up and needs something to elevate her height.

Foot stool
A foot stool is a time honored piece of human furniture.
Most female dominants love to put their feet up while on the couch and watching TV.
The submissive position himself and kneels on all fours so that mistress can place her legs on her human stool and relax.
Best used in an evening while watching a favorite program.
Side table
A side table is something nearby to a chair where convenient items like drinks and snacks are within easy reach.
Therefore the purpose of the human furniture side table is to allow mistress essential items within her arms-length whenever she feels the need.
So whenever mistress might conduct an activity where some handy items are nearby, then she can request her submissive to become a side table.
Whether it’s a small table next to a work area that holds pens and paper etc, to a side table by the couch while watching the TV
Dining table
A dining table as human furniture is a lot more interactive between the submissive and his female dominant.
The person of the human dining table is to become a stable platform at a required height so the mistress can place a plate or tray containing a meal on.
The mistress will then consume the meal.
Practically, this can work well if the mistress is perched on the edge of the couch.
The mistress can often make a thing of it as well by laying out the table with knives, forks, and drinking vessels before placing her meal there to consume.
She can ‘set’ the table while cooking if she prefers.

Every mistress needs a desk every now and again to organize her timetable and things she needs to do.
Whenever there isn’t one readily accessible her new human furniture can perform the task.
A busy mistress is often out and about and during bad weather her shoes may get dirty.
This just wont do.
Why scuff up a perfectly good doormat when a human one would be much better.
The human doormat can lie on the floor and the mistress can rub, scrape, and wipe her shoes clean.
Coat rack
A good mistress will have many coats, and depending upon where they live it will do its job and get wet, perhaps even a bit muddy and smelly.
Well, no need to clean them right away, but get your submissive to become a human coat rack.
Simply use the hood and throw it over the human furniture while it dries.
Plenty of options with this one from a table pushed up against a wall to holding a tray near a wall.
A mistress can even get a long plank of wood, rope it up and hang it around the submissives neck.
As long as it’s near a wall and useful for holding stuff then it works fine.
The shelf could have ornaments on it, books, or even a plant or two.
The other thing to think about is the location of the shelf.
In the main living area with plants, or in the bathroom, so the mistress can have a bath with nearby shampoos and soaps at hand.

One obviously for the smoking mistresses.
The submissive can either kneel with his mouth open near the mistress’ smoking arms so the ash can be tapped in his mouth or can hold an ashtray for the mistress.
It very much depends upon submissive preferences and his willingness to taste ash as part of the power dynamic.
Toilet roll holder
Several options with this one, but the idea is to have the submissive act out the role of toilet roll holder.
It can be on any trip to the bathroom for whatever reason, not just the toilet.
The mistress could have a bath with her human toilet roll holder present.
The submissive can also take on the position way before use as well.
Several options exist on the practicalities.
The submissive can either inset fingers to provide a free roll, or a piece of rope or string can be tied and placed around the neck so the toilet roll positions itself at the appropriate height.
A slightly more kinky version can also be done. The submissive male can be made to get erect, and the toilet roll placed around the penis.
Soap holder
Another bathroom one.
The submissive can either hold a small paddle in the mouth with soap balanced on it, to just have their palms together facing upwards near a sink so the hands can have some soap bars on them.
Even a few extra toiletries if you like, but the submissive should stand near a sink.
Towel rack
Every mistress should like a good relaxing bath or shower.
One of those niggly little things is now always having a towel at hand when you exit the bath.
Well, some human furniture can solve that problem.
During the bath, your new towel rack can stand there and keep luxurious towels close at hand.
The used ones can be thrown back onto the rack to dry as well.

Computer desk
With the advent of laptops, and now especially becoming small and portable, a traditional computer desk doesn’t need to be a large, strong table.
A mistress doesn’t have to consign herself to a single location anywhere to work on a laptop and with human furniture, she doesn’t need to think of the need for a computer desk.
The human furniture simply makes her computing life easier when the submissive becomes a computer desk.
If the mistress ever wants an evening with some genuine atmosphere, there’s nothing that does that like a candle.
That naked flame is both fascinating and illuminating and gives a house a real lived-in look.
The mistress can either bind the submissive, or make them hold the candle very still, or even just hold another metal candle holder in a pose she likes.
The submissive is then placed to the greatest effect to give the room atmosphere.
Remember, don’t let the submissive relight a burned-out candle – they are just the holder.

Rotating fan
Whilst most furniture is still, a mistress wanting to inject a little twist into the human furniture play can get the submissive to hold a fan and perform the rotating action of a rotating fan.
The submissive is given a rotating arc to stick to and has to shuffle quietly back and forth replicating a real rotating fan’s motion.
A fun one with a great deal of imagination, scope, and opportunity to it.
The mistress has many opportunities to play with this one.
A portrait maybe with the submissive just holding up a picture frame by the wall.
The mistress can reflect upon her favourite art pieces and make the submissive look, or pose like her favorite pieces.
Anything from the Mona Lisa, to the statue of liberty can be recreated and the submissive made to be admired as a piece of artwork.
Alternatively, the mistress can treat the submissive as objet ‘d’art.
Her favorite kinks and artwork can combine to make her own human furniture sculptures. Let the kinks and imagination combine.

Human furniture that becomes a lamp or lampstand normally involves just standing still and as thin as possible either holding a lamp or having tied to them.
The lamp does have to be on, but you could always tie the submissive to something and get those clip-on lights to attach them to the submissive.
You can even just put a lampshade on their head and make them stand in the corner during the day.
Sex doll
OK, time for a real fun one, before we move on.
The submissive basically takes on the role of a ‘lifelike’ sex doll for the mistress.
Under the command ‘become sex doll’ the submissive becomes a static but malleable doll.
However the mistress contorts the submissive’s body is the position he is to remain in.
The mistress can dress the sex doll in her favorite clothing and then pleasure herself in any manner she sees fit.
Safe in the knowledge that her sex doll is inanimate, who wont groan, take a lead role, or participate in any way.
Her sex doll will remain in the position to fulfill her desires.
A mistress should be elegant and have exquisite tastes and how much fun it may be to possess a human furniture grandfather clock.
The submissive simply stands against a wall in a place of prominence with a clock held high.
On the hour you can have the submissive shout loudly “Bong” for every hour.
For example, at 3 pm the submissive would shout Bong……Bong…..Bong.
On the half-hour just a single Bong can ring out.
Clothing mannequin
A mistress should have a vast wardrobe of elegant and stylish clothes.
Choosing the correct outfit can often be a time consuming process to get the coordination correct.
Well with the human furniture mannequin clothes can be placed anywhere to select the perfect ensemble.
Select anything from shes to the correct shade of lipstick with your new human furniture.

Vanity mirror
Again, when selecting an outfit, a mistress wish to try on many ensembles to check everything as she wishes.
She has to get many things right.
The submissive becomes the furniture with which a mirror is placed and angled to mistress can get a good look at herself when selecting.
The submissive performs the function of a mirror bracket of stand and has to hold the mirror in place.
Shoe rack
Nearly every mistress will have a shoe collection to be proud of.
It’s just the way it seems to be.
Shoes need to be displayed in all their magnificence so why not display them on your very own human shoe rack.
Clothesline stand
When a submissive does the laundry often the clothes will need to be air dried.
The submissive can become useful again.
Some appropriate cord can be tied to a fixture and then tied to a naked submissive some distance away.
The submissive becomes a human clothes stand.
The resulting taught cord can be used to peg some clothes to, so they can dry properly.
A submissive spread-eagled on the floor to resemble those fake tiger rugs is the perfect excuse to have a human rug.
They can lie on the floor emulating the rug, ready to be trampled over whenever is necessary.

Monitor Stand
One to be careful with, but many mistress’ have a desktop computer and monitor in their houses.
The submissive can play a useful monitor stand by sitting on the desk, naked if wanted, resting the monitor on their knees, and holding it at an appropriate height.
The mistress can then use the computer with a great monitor stand.
BONUS – motion sensitive air freshner
The submissive is located in a relevant passageway or appropriate location holding an air freshener.
Whenever someone passes by they give a quick blast to freshen the air in their location.
You can have fun with this by making the submissive naked, and having a clothespin.
If it’s on the left nipple it’s motion-sensitive, if it’s on the right it’s a timed 30-minute air freshener blast.
Trying to talk to your partner about the benefits of a female led relationship can be hard. Use this open letter to help or to prompt constructive dialogue.
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